SpaceX (SPACE) chief executive officer Elon Musk reportedly had a sexual relationship with an employee and a former SpaceX intern, whom he later hired onto his executive team, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

He also had reportedly asked a third woman several times to have his children. After she refused, he denied her a raise and complained about her performance, she claims.

One of the women who was reported to have been involved with Musk also drew the attention of SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell, who accused her of having an affair with Shotwell’s husband. Shotwell told the HR department at SpaceX that she wanted the woman removed from the office of the chief executive, according to the WSJ report.

The WSJ article is based on interviews with more than 48 people, including friends and family members of the women, as well as former employees.

The exclusive report said that the tech billionaire created a culture in his companies – both SpaceX (SPACE) and Tesla (TSLA) – which made the women employees uncomfortable.

Musk has previously been accused of using drugs like LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine, at times at work with board members.

SpaceX (SPACE) is also being investigated by California’s civil rights agency over allegations that the company discriminates against women and retaliated against workers who raised concerns over the hostile work environment.

The story broke just a day before Tesla (TSLA) is scheduled to hold its annual shareholder meeting and announce the voting results of 12 different proposals, including one on Elon Musk’s compensation.

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