Quad 7 Capital is a team of 9 analysts with a wide range of experience sharing investment opportunities for nearly 12 years. They are best known for the February 2020 call to sell everything & go short, & have been on average 95% long 5% short since May 2020. The broader company has expertise in business, policy, economics, mathematics, game theory, & the sciences. They share both long & short trades & invest personally in equities they discuss within their investing group Bad Beat Investing, focused on short- & medium-term investments, income generation, special-situations, & momentum trades. Rather than just give you trades, they focus on teaching investors to become proficient traders through their playbook.
Benefits of Bad Beat Investing include: Learning how to understand the pinball nature of markets, execute well-researched written trade ideas per week, use 4 chat rooms, receive daily analyst call summaries, learning options trading, & extensive trading tools
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