To our followers,
We wanted to make you aware of 4 recent trades that we closed out at BAD BEAT Investing full service THIS WEEK, where we have also activated early our Memorial Day 2024 sale, which matches our Black Friday one-day sale from November 2023, featuring our best price ever deal. That is right, before prices rise on June 1st another $100 to $749 annually, you can lock in at just $474, or just $1.30 per day. We post our highest conviction, often rapid-return trades, as well as our best income ideas and long-term ideas, exclusively at BAD BEAT Investing’s full service. Our basic service, which offers 2 ideas a month, is also at a discount.
With that said, we have closed out 4 trades THIS WEEK that were opened in the last few weeks/months. Take a look.

First, we closed out on (LMND) at $20, with a $15.75 basis good for a 27% return. The trade was posted to BAD BEAT here:
Trade Setup In This Name Leaving Investors Sour | Seeking Alpha Investing Groups
Second, we closed out a trade in just two weeks on (DRS), with a $19.99 basis at $23.25, good for a 16% gain.
Third, a trade we highlighted in our chat as a potential DOUBLE, in February in our BAD BEAT Investing chat room on February at $3.50, locking in at $6, for a 71% was (HL), and we had other ideas in this space around the same time. Great run there, but wise to lock in.
Finally this week we just closed out in travel name (DESP), another exclusive idea for BAD BEAT Investing members, at $14.75 with a cost basis of just $11.62, good for a 21% return in just 6 weeks.
This Small Cap In The Travel Space Is Growing Like Wildfire | Seeking Alpha Investing Groups
We continue to have a number of open trades, all of which except for one are in the green, the latter still being in the early part of its buy zone. Plus, we just released our next trade this week, so come stop by and check it out. And if you really are not happy, there is a money-back guarantee!
Why not, I will take one of the spots and try it out (click to learn more)
Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of MANY STOCKS either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.